
Cattle, Horses, and Stewardship — Keeping Cowboy Traditions Alive
Our Brands, Then & Now

Bar X Bar
Charles Brewster
Diamond J
Byron Brewster
"Damned If I Know"
Maybelle Brewster
Reverse G L Bar
Logan Brewster
Len Everett
Reverse L Lazy B
Logan Brewster
I Open A I
Kate Brewster
Brewster Ranch: A Legacy of Resilience and Tradition
Brewster Ranch LLC is more than just a cattle operation; it’s a living story of resilience, family, and vision. The journey began in 1957 when Byron Brewster and his son Logan left Lusk, Wyoming, following the devastating blizzards of 1949. Bringing with them a herd of registered Herefords and the Diamond J brand, they settled in the Ten Sleep area, where winters were more forgiving. Byron, his wife Maybelle, Logan, his wife Kathy, and their young son Tom built a new legacy founded on hard work, quality cattle, and love for the land.
In the 1970s and ’80s, Logan and Tom introduced Angus bulls to the Hereford herd, creating the well recognized "Brewster Baldy" cattle, known for their hardiness and adaptability. When Byron passed, Logan and Tom continued the operation, instilling deep family values in the next generation. Tom’s son, Mark, has been on the ranch his entire life, minus a short time to go to college in Powell for Agriculture.
Mark and his wife, Kate, took full ownership of Brewster Ranch in 2024, rebranding the herd under the historic Bar X Bar brand—a nod to Mark’s great-great-grandfather, Charles Brewster. Today, Mark and Kate honor nearly seven decades of family legacy, blending the old cowboy way of life with new opportunities. With Black Baldy cattle, ranch horses, and a steadfast commitment to stewardship, they look to the future, ensuring the Brewster name remains synonymous with integrity, resilience, and respect for the land.